Sunday, November 28, 2010

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cody caught this frog all by himself in the canal. It is the biggest frog we have ever seen. We normally catch toads. They took a bath with him and then let him go. We have one puppy left, and while she looks cute, she is not so sweet. She thinks she is queen of this place and freely growls at you and bites too. Anyone want a puppy? I think I should donate her to Cesar Milan, I wonder if he would do a pickup?

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Birthday for an old person

So yesterday was Mike's 35th birthday. We had his favorite dinner and some cake, nothing too elaborate since old people get tired quickly and can't handle too much stimulation. We have a new cat that Mike brought home from his work. He is very friendly and outgoing and he should be a good cat. He is pretty happy to be inside. We have three puppies left from the original seven, and hopefully we can find homes for them soon. We scored some awesome bean bags at Savers (a huge thrift store) and the boys love them.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Tonight we celebrated Martinmas, a holiday that is normally celebrated in a Waldorf school. Many catholics celebrate it too. We made paper lanterns out of our old watercolor paintings and went for a lantern walk outside to light up the darkness. Our lanterns turned out beautiful. When the boys were walking together the lanterns gave off a beautiful glow that was almost mystical. Very pretty. The boys enjoyed blowing "dragon breath" out in the cold night air. Then we came in and lit some candles and had apple cider and pumpkin pie. I have never celebrated Martinmas before and it was fun. I bet the Martinmas celebration in Eugene Oregon is absolutely fabulous and probably perfect. But you know, I do what I can.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is my favorite holiday. I wish I knew a bunch of people so I could throw a gigantic Halloween party. I'm sure in Oregon people do this every year...