I really wish we could just get in my car and drive home to California right now and stay as long as we wanted. It is green here right now, but it is high desert green, which sucks compared to what I was used to. I miss the redwood trees and the thick, lush green. Jacob's stitches look good, and he has been going to his coach pitch games just fine. As well as jumping on the trampoline. Our garden is getting going slowly as we wait for it to warm up. So far we have lettuce, mammoth sunflowers, carrots, strawberries and I have tomatoes in the house. Someone left a baby pygmy goat at the shelter last night, so I took him home. Boy, is he cute. He has little horns and he tries to butt the dogs, which is cute because they all want to eat him. He will not be a permanent resident here, but the boys love him. We are calling him Billy. (So original, I know.) This is the awesome bear claw necklace for Cody's birthday. It is really nice.
silver linings and quilt tops
4 years ago
Boys are amazing creatures, that's for sure. I am sure that Mike remembers when I had my screaming stitches in the knee time, he laughed at me so I hope that he didnt laugh at Jacob ;)