Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Nature Table

I thought I would show you our nature table. Every Waldorf home (and lots of homes that are not Waldorf) have one. It is used to show what is going on in nature outside. You can get very technical and do it properly, which is that each week represents a kingdom in nature. Week one: mineral, week two: plant, week three: animal, week four: human. I don't do that though. I just tell the kids that we are decorating the nature table for spring, and we decide what will go on it. This is one of the reasons why I love Waldorf. They make even everyday things beautiful. The nature table is so beautiful to look at, no matter what time of year it is. The boys love finding things to go on it, and Cody often brings in fresh plants or wild flowers for it.

Waldorf also has a color for every day of the week. Today is red. We have gnomes and mushrooms to decorate our dinner table for this. Jacob usually does this. We also have an activity for each day as well. It is for Jacob's kindergarten, but everyone does the activity. Today is drawing day.

1 comment:

  1. Very creative. I bet the boys have fun with this. Are you getting anytime to yourself?
